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03 septembre 2008


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A young boy and his grandfather went fishing one afternoon, after a couple of hours of fishing, the grandfather opened a can of beer, the grandson noticed and asked, "Grandpa, can I have a sip of your beer?" His grandfather looked at him and said, "Grandson, Is your penis long enough to touch your ass?" The grandson replied, "No!"

"Then you're not old enough.", said the grandfather.

A couple of more hours went by, and the grandfather lit a cigarette. Again the grandson noticed and asked, "Grandpa, can I have a cigarette"? The grandfather replied, "Is your penis long enough to touch your asshole?" Again the grandson replied, "No!"

"Well you're not big enough to smoke yet.", said the grandfather.

About an hour had passed and it began to get late, so the grandfather decided to pack it up and head for home. On their way home they stopped at a store, grandpa bought two lottery tickets and gave his grandson one. Grandpa scratched his off, but didn't win anything, The grandson scratched his off and won $10,000. Grandpa was all happy and surprised that his grandson had won and he asked, "Are you going to give some of that money to grandpa?" The boy looked at him and replied, "Grandpa, is your penis big enough to touch your ass?" Grandpa looked at him for a moment, then replied, "YES!"

"Good, then go fuck yourself!", said the grandson



Mort aux sectes doux qu'elles viennet

mark abian

remember $ciento£ogy!!!

MERY Arlette

les jeunes de chez GOOGLE sont t -ils sous l 'emprise de ces GOUROUS ?
il faut séparer la religion et le pouvoir ! on voit bien les dérives actuellement ! dans tous les domaines ! les gens doivent en prendre conscience ! on ne peur gouverner sous l'étiquette de la Scientologie ou de la Franc- Maçonnerie !il y a trop de trafics d'inflences avec des gourous pour diriger les institutions .

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